The academy uses a currency called Duel Points (DP).
What are DPs used for?
DPs can be used widely across the forum.
Earned DPs can be:
-Used to purchase deck recipes from other users in the deck shop.
-Wagered in duels.
-Buy a shiny name>Glow/Spark>700DP each
-Buy a retest.(350DP)
-Buy and trade badges.
-Change username. (400DP)
-Buy username censor. (300DP) <Your name in the chatbox only will be changed to something else. Example:
(More to be added)
How do I earn DPs?
DPs can be earned by:
-Recruiting other duelists in DN (70 DP)
-Winning duels through the duel arena
-Winning duels in which DP is wagered.
-Regularly posting on the academy.
-Selling badges/gfx photos.
-Completing academy homework/puzzles.
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